Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 2018-- dams, rivers and others

September 2018

Standard Drive Parking

 Another section of paving being finished.

Top dam

A photo I took at 7.30am and it was a stunner-- 
it  really surprised me!


 Papyrus on the move!

 First it was removed from the dam and put out 
to dry on the adjacent field.

People were not happy with it there so
it was moved to the Acacia grove

Then John who has cleared that 
area wasn't happy, so off it went to the
 Leighton Drive field to become compost

Tree fall

Still at top dam --the river was blocked  by a 
fallen tree and  had silted up

 Both sides of the bridges needed clearing

 deepening and widening

Looking better


The sluit close to Bantam Drive was full of rubbish so
we had to spent a day there, cleaning it up.


Top dam below the  spillway

 A tree had come down blocking the stream

The men dug a channel around it  and 
the water flowed easily again

 At the spillway was a deep, boggy and potentially dangerous hole,
 so the men filled it with logs, not pretty but functional

Once the digging was done it was time to 
plant white arum lilies

We took them from  inside the forest so the ones 
on the forest perimeter were untouched

They are a bit droopy now but hopefully 
next year they will be in full flower


This tangle of dead trees  next to the river
is next to be sorted out



The first tree to be fully clothed in fresh greenery!

That's all folks!

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