Friday, May 19, 2017

May 2017

May 2017

 Work in the Park and photos of the Delta's early days 


Road No 3

The aloe bed is settling down and a
 few have already flowered

The agapanthus put on a good show of blue and white


At top parking the old rusty fence was removed

And a nice new wooden one went up

The other side of the 'road' was also done


Cosmos, cosmos

And more beautiful cosmos


Hyacinth coming out the Florence Bloom dam

Just to prove I work as well


The wooden bridge behind the playground 
collapsed after a storm washed away
 the supporting wall

Peter Hammond, Shepherd, Kenneth 
and Arkim raising the bridge

 The 4 meter supporting poles are is and braced

All finished - secure and safe again

Kenneth  and  Arkim
So sad that a week later  Arkim had died!


The opening of the Delta Sewage works  1934

Road No 3 that went to the big white building--
very few trees just rolling grasslands.

1974 - The renovation of the building began -
for the future Environmental Centre.


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